Synthetic Peptide Libraries Webinar


Available on Demand
Air Date: Thursday, January 26 2023
Duration: 1 hour


The rapidly increasing demand for synthetic peptides in research calls for extremely efficient automated synthesizers. Synthetic peptides are essential tools for a wide range of biochemical experiments. They are used for primary screening in drug development, for development of synthetic vaccines, peptide-based diagnostic procedures, and for basic research in molecular biology. Peptide libraries are systematic sets of overlapping peptides for simple functional assays and highly advantageous in the identification of target peptides and accommodate a whole spectrum of applications. This is useful for binding studies, epitope mapping, and protein-protein interactions. Peptides are excellent drug candidates because of their ability to bind to their targets with high specificity and affinity. Peptide libraries can even lead to the discovery of potential biomarkers within clinical trials.

The lab of Prof. Christian Heinis at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) is on the cutting-edge of technology by applying robotic automation, acoustic dispensing and tip-less liquid handlers for performing chemical synthesis in microtiter format. In this webinar, experienced members of his lab will describe their latest work in high-throughput chemistry of peptidic macrocycle libraries for screening against challenging targets.

What You’ll Learn

  • Basics of peptide libraries
  • Strategies for library design and synthesis
  • Purification-free synthesis of peptide libraries
  • Peptide library synthesis in 384-well plates

Who Should Attend

  • Professors
  • Industry Professionals
  • Students
  • Postdocs
  • Peptide Chemists
  • Biologists


Dr. Christian Behn
CEM Corporation
Basics of peptide libraries and strategies for design and synthesis
Dr. Alexander L. Nielsen
Heinis Group, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Introduction to peptidic macrocycles and synthetic approaches for their preparation in high-throughput
Mischa Schüttel
Heinis Group, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Solid-phase peptide synthesis in 4×384-well plates
Edward J. Will
Heinis Group, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Case studies: Picomole-scale synthesis and direct assay of large macrocycle diversities by combinatorial late-stage modification

Equipment Used

MultiPep 1
MultiPep 2

More to Explore

CEM Peptide Synthesis

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