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Artículos 1 al 20 de 83 totales

  • New Options for Solvent Extraction of Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Environmental Matrices
  • Extraction of 40 PFAS Compounds from Soil and Tissue Following EPA Method 1633
  • The Extraction of PFAS from Produce
  • Discover Prep Extraction Brochure
  • The Extraction of Antioxidants from Food Packaging Film
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Color Additives
  • A Rapid, Simple, and Efficient Automated Method for the Extraction of Pesticides from Difficult Food Matrices
  • Extraction of PFAS from Strawberries - EDGE
  • Extraction of PFAS from Potatoes - EDGE
  • Extraction of PFAS from Lettuce - EDGE
  • Extraction of PFAS from Cranberries - EDGE
  • Extraction of PFAS from Carrots - EDGE
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Sodium Copper Chloyophyllin (Powder) - EDGE
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Salmon - EDGE
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Pepper (Black) - EDGE
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Paprika - EDGE
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Oregano - EDGE
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Norbixin - EDGE
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Curcumin - EDGE
  • Extraction of Pesticides from Cranberries - EDGE
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