Coffee and Cocoa Analysis by Automated Extraction Based on PLE


Available On-Demand
Airdate: Thursday, May 20, 2021
Duration: 41 minutes


The University of Almeria, in Spain, recently presented data on the extraction and analysis of coffee and cocoa using an EDGE for PLE (Pressurized Liquid Extraction) and comparing the results to those obtained using QuEChERS, a more traditional technique. It is difficult to extract pesticides from dry commodities, like coffee and cocoa, using traditional techniques because these techniques were developed for wet samples. To perform QuEChERS extraction of dry commodities, the sample must first be sufficiently hydrated. Aside from being time consuming and introducing additional sources of contamination, hydration can have an adverse effect on extraction efficiency of some compounds and lead to matrix interferences. This study shows detailed procedures for extraction using the EDGE Automated Extraction System and compares analytical results to traditional techniques. Watch and learn how to simplify sample preparation of dry samples or use the links below to skip ahead to relevant content.


  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Software
  3. 3. Accessories
  4. 4. Sample Prep
  5. 5. EDGE Method
  6. 6. EDGE Running
  7. 7. Method Development
  8. 8. Results
  9. 9. Comparison to QuEChERS
  10. 10. Matrix Effects
  11. 11. Conclusion

Who Should Attend

  • Lab Managers
  • Analytical Chemists
  • Food Lab Analysts


Alicia Douglas Stell, Ph.D.
Lead R&D Scientist
CEM Corporation

What You’ll Learn

  • Extraction of dry samples without hydration
  • Streamlined sample preparation of dry commodities
  • Comparison of pesticide extraction data between PLE and QuEChERS methods

Equipment Used

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