Heavy Metals and Cannabis Analysis Systems

Cannabis Analysis

With more states approving recreational and medical marijuana use each year, the need for accurate testing of cannabis and cannabis based products is critical. Samples ranging from flower to edibles to consumer products and more present challenges in both sample preparation and analysis. The first step for accurate analysis is proper sample preparation. Poor sample preparation can lead to inaccurate test results which could cause the product to be rejected or improperly released. CEM provides two ways to simplify cannabis sample preparation and over 60 associates in North America ready to help with all your sample prep challenges.

Use the MARS 6 for a complete digestion every time. Get all of your metals into solution for an accurate heavy metals analysis.

GC/LC Analysis Prep
The EDGE performs a complete automated extraction in preparation for analysis of cannabinoids, pesticides, mycotoxins, terpenes, and more.

Key Resources

Application Notes
Cannabis Industry Brochure

Microwave Digestion System

Rapid digestions for trace metals analysis.

The MARS is the perfect digestion tool for the cannabis industry. The MARS 6 can simultaneously digest edibles, cannabis flower, oils, and more in a single batch. The simple to assemble 3 piece MARSXpress 75 mL vessel does not require the use of tools and is large enough to digest up to 0.5 g of sample.
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Solvent Extraction

Rapid, automated extractions for LC and GC analysis.

The EDGE® extraction system simplifies cannabis sample preparation for potency, pesticides, terpenes, and mycotoxins. The system can perform extractions in less than 10 minutes in a highly reproducible format with the same extraction efficiencies as classic techniques like Soxhlet and QuEChERS.
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Applications & Technical Support

We are where you are.

Service and applications support is just around the corner. With over 60 associates in the United States and Canada and 24 hour telephone support we are here to help when you need it and where you need it.
Contact us
Regulatory Help

In an ever changing world, what are the requirements of your state?

As the leader in sample prep instrumentation, our dedicated team of applications chemists is always ready to help you with method development and our expansive network of service associates will make sure your system is running in peak condition when you need it most.

We are plugged into the changing regulations of the cannabis industry and are here to help you navigate through it all.
Learn more about the regulations in your state
Humble Beginnings

It all started in a garage.

In a small rented unit across the road from the current CEM headquarters, a chemist, an electrical engineer, and a mechanical engineer started CEM in 1978 with a dream that we would transform the world with innovative lab systems designed to meet the needs of our customers.

Our entrepreneurial spirit lives on over 40 years later as we push the limits of technology and continue to bring new innovations to our customers to help them grow.

Our goal is to help our cannabis customers navigate the new and changing cannabis testing regulations with innovative systems designed to simplify sample prep, and our world class applications support ready to tackle your toughest applications. Our commitment to you doesn’t end when your system ships, it begins!

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