Peptide Workflow

CEM at Peptide Workflow The peptide workflow consists of synthesis, cleavage, and purification. Through our relentless pursuit in providing the peptide community with the highest performance and most efficient solutions, we are proud to offer industry leading innovations at each step in the workflow.

1. Peptide Synthesis

Conventional synthesis workflows using traditional SPPS methodologies can be time consuming and require large amounts of solvents.

CEM offers an ultra-fast sequential synthesis workflow (cycle times as short as 3 minutes) that is also ultra-efficient, massively reducing solvent usage compared to traditional synthesizers. This technology is known as Ultra-Efficient SPPS (UE-SPPS) and allows for the elimination of repetitive washing steps during each cycle. This advancement is based on chemical methodology improvements as well as a new headspace gas flushing technology for removal of volatile deprotection base at high temperature.

UE-SPPS is available on the Liberty Blue 2.0 and Liberty Prime 2.0.

Traditional SPPS Cycle (Extensive Wash Related Waste)
Extensive wash related waste
UE-SPPS Cycle (No Wash Related Waste)
No wash related waste

UE-SPPS Examples

UE-SPPS Example of Acyl Carrier
Protein (ACP)
Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP)
Length: 10 amino acids
Synthesis Time: 30 min.
Waste Generated: 47 mL
Proinsulin figure
Length: 86 amino acids
Synthesis Time: 10 hrs. 40 min.
Waste Generated: 677 mL

2. Cleavage

The cleavage step can be an underappreciated part of the peptide workflow, due to limited perceived opportunities for both performance and workflow improvements.

CEM offers an elevated temperature cleavage system (Razor) that can simultaneously cleave 12 peptides in 30 minutes, eliminating the need for time consuming room temperature cleavages.

Using the Razor, you can cleave as fast as you can purify. at high temperature.

Cleave peptides with a CEM
Razor in 30 minutes

Peptide: HIV-TAT (47-57); Sequence: Fmoc-YGRKKRRQRRR
Conditions: TFA/TIS/H20/DODT (92.5/2.5/2.5/2.5)

3. Purification

The purification step can often be the bottleneck in peptide workflows due to slow and inefficient room temperature approaches that frequently require additional polishing steps.

CEM offers a preparative HPLC instrument (Prodigy) featuring a unique integrated heating system, which allows for high efficiency direct scale up from elevated temperature analytical runs (up to 80 °C).

The use of elevated temperatures enables maximized productivity through shorter methods (due to higher flow rates) and improved fraction purity and recovery (due to improved peak shape).

Prodigy improved peak shape Peptide: EDPYLFELPVLKYLDMGTT