Finding Faster and More Effective Solvent Extraction Methods for Polymers


Available On Demand
Airdate: Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Time: 11 AM EDT
Duration: 1 Hour


Plastics are an integral part of everyday life. Often additives, like antioxidants, are added to these polymers to preserve their integrity. For quality and safety purposes, their final concentration must be monitored. Herein, Irganox 1076 and Irganox 1010 were extracted from film using three different CEM extraction systems: MARS 6, Discover 2.0, and EDGE. While the MARS 6 is regarded as a validated method for this application, the Discover 2.0 and EDGE have not yet been through the validation process even though both systems are widely used in this area. A rigorous comparison of the results obtained from Discover 2.0 and EDGE demonstrated that Discover 2.0 and EDGE extracted the additives from film with high recoveries and low standard deviations, with comparable results to the MARS 6. All three systems, the MARS 6, Discover 2.0, and EDGE are reliable options for efficient, repeatable extractions.

What You'll Learn

  • Learn about additives in plastics and how best to analyze their concentrations
  • Apply a variety of extraction techniques to increase sample throughput while operating within an existing workflow
  • Compare rapid extraction systems with validated methods

Who Should Attend

  • Scientists who need to characterize plastics and polymers
  • Lab technicians who want to streamline their polymer sample prep
  • Quality managers who need validated instrumentation and methods


Alicia D. Stell, PhD
Product Manager, Organic Solutions Division
CEM Corporation

Equipment Used

MARS 6 Extraction
Discover 2.0
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